Have you heard about email counselling before? It may seem an unusual way of having therapy but it can be a great option – here are 9 reasons why:

1. You can choose when to write

    The flexibility of email counselling can really help when you have a busy or unpredictable schedule. Maybe you work shifts and can’t fit in regular times for counselling sessions, or you have small children and don’t have much spare time. If you work with me, we would agree on a date and time for you to send your email, but you can write it whenever you want. I also send reminders so you don’t have to worry about forgetting to send your email in time.

    2. You don’t need to worry about being overheard during sessions

          I understand that it can sometimes be hard to find a private space where you won’t be overheard for video or phone sessions, especially if you have children or housemates. Email counselling allows for more privacy and I use an encrypted, confidential email system for sessions.

          3. You feel too embarrassed to talk about some topics

            Email counselling can allow you to feel more comfortable talking about topics such as sex.

            4. You find it hard to think and process during online and phone sessions

            It can sometimes be hard to respond in the moment during counselling sessions and to get our thoughts across in the way we want. Working by email allows you to take your time and really think about what you want to say –  you can write when you’re ready. 

            5. You feel too embarrassed or shy to speak to a counsellor

            Maybe you’re struggling with anxiety and don’t feel able to open up in “live” sessions, or you feel self-conscious about how you look or sound. This could be the case if you are trans or questioning your gender identity, or if you are having eczema flare-ups. Email counselling allows you to get support without worrying about your appearance.

            6. You have chronic illnesses or struggle with energy

            I understand that chronic illness can be unpredictable, and you may not have the spoons to have video or phone sessions. With email counselling, you can write your email in sections when you have the energy, building it up over the week. Some people like to write notes during the week and write the email just before it’s due  –  whatever works for you is OK.

            7. You find online or phone sessions tricky due to communication challenges

            Email counselling can be really helpful if you are Deaf or non-speaking.

            8. You have problems with tech for online counselling

            Maybe you have slow or inconsistent broadband or struggle to get set up for video sessions. I can talk you through setting up a secure email account to use for email sessions.

            9. You want to have a record of counselling sessions

            It can often be difficult to remember everything that has happened during a counselling session. With email counselling, you’ll be able to read back over our sessions whenever you want.

            I have completed additional specialist training so that I can offer this type of counselling in a safe, effective way.  Clients I work with can “mix and match” types of sessions, so they can choose if they want sessions by video, phone or email depending on their current situation and what they want to talk about. Email counselling is very different to traditional counselling, but I can guide you through getting set up and working out what to write.

            Does email counselling sound like it might be right for you? Find out more about how email counselling works or get in touch to book an introductory session.

            (Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash)