My Yay flag embroidery has been featured in the National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society’s “Counselling Matters” magazine, in their Creative Collection 2024 edition which is really exciting! It contains lots of great artwork, poetry and articles – you can view the rest of the magazine here: https://magazine.ncps.com/books/qioz/#p=1
I wave my Yay flag whenever I do anything that I want to congratulate myself for, no matter how small. This really helps with motivation and self-esteem. This project was inspired by a tutorial by Shannon Downey from Badass Cross Stitch: https://www.patreon.com/posts/felt-yay-flag-113010754.
Do you take the time to congratulate yourself when you’ve done something hard? This might be something like writing an essay, and on hard days it might be getting out of bed. It’s really common for people to compare themselves unfavourably to others, or to what they used to be able to do, and not celebrate their current achievements. Why not create your own Yay flag?