Here are some mini mental health tips – I hope you find them helpful.

When was the last time you did something just for yourself?
It can be really hard to prioritise ourselves, especially when we’re busy or if we have people-pleasing tendencies. It’s so important to learn what we like outside of other people’s influences, and treat ourselves as a priority or at least as equal as others.
Try starting small – maybe buy yourself a small treat, or spend half an hour reading a book or listening to a podcast. By implementing small self-care steps, we can improve our self-esteem and confidence by teaching ourselves that we matter.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and like you’re juggling too many balls?
Try working out which of those balls are rubber and will therefore be ok if you drop them, or glass which means they have to be done. I realise that rubber balls can eventually turn into glass balls!
This can be a good way to prioritise and give yourself some mental and emotional space.

I was watching Tom Daley knitting at the Olympics and reflecting on how many of us have hobbies and interests but feel they’re not important or are “silly”.
Tom started knitting to help him “unwind and be more mindful”. Hobbies can be great for this, as well as giving us a sense of purpose and enjoyment. It can be easy to prioritise activities that we feel are more productive and that we feel we “should” be doing, but there are so many benefits to doing what we enjoy. It also counts as a type of rest, which can help us avoid burnout.
How can you bring more of your hobbies and interests into your everyday life?

You’ve probably heard of the inner critic, but have you heard of the inner cheerleader or inner nurturer? It’s really common to believe what the inner critic tells us, but the inner cheerleader/nurturer can give us a more compassionate, positive view of ourselves. It can be helpful to try to visualise them – what do they look like and sound like?
Why not start trying to recognise where unkind, critical thoughts are coming from your inner critic and ask yourself what your inner cheerleader or nurturer would say to you?

These tips are all from my (mostly) fortnightly newsletter which also contains recommendations and bonus cuteness! Subscribers get a free Grounding Techniques resource and an exclusive discount in my Payhip shop. You can sign up to my mailing list here.